Web links (Education)

For participants in the Midwest Conference on Technology, Employment and Community.

Chicago Public Library




American Universities

International Universities

Chicago-area Museums

The Chicago Academy of Sciences
The Chicago Academy of Sciences operates a public museum, education programs for schools, educators, and groups, the International Center for the Advancement of Scientific Literacy, and other programs to help all people learn about and explore science.

The Field Museum of Natural History
The Field Museum of Natural History is an educational institution concerned with the diversity and relationships in nature and among cultures. It provides collection-based research and learning for greater public understanding and appreciation of our world.

The Illinois State Museum
The Illinois State Museum preserves and interprets natural history, anthropology, and art. Exhibition, education, collection, and research programs document the natural and cultural history of Illinois.

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Maintained by Robin Burke <burke@cs.uchicago.edu>
Last modified: Wed Mar 1 14:08:53 1995