Summit for Ethics and Meaning

Re-awakening Hope In A Time Of Cynicism

On Sunday, August 25 and Monday, August 26, Chicago will host a regional Summit for Ethics and Meaning, "Re-awakening Hope In A Time Of Cynicism," at The Lutheran School of Theology, 1100 East 55th Street in Chicago's Hyde Park. This is a forum for people of all ages, colors, belief systems and sexual orientations seeking to chart a new path for healing America. Registration for both days is $35.00, $15.00 for full-time students; meals (optional) available. Call 312-695-2707 to request a registration form.

Sponsored by The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning, the Summit continues the conversation on The Politics of Meaning which began in Washington, D.C. in April 1996 at a National Summit that attracted 2,000 people. The purpose of The Summit is to provide a forum to discuss the crisis of meaning in America and explore how we can restore our spiritual and ethical foundations through The Politics of Meaning.

Participants include: Rabbi Michael Lerner, author of The Politics of Meaning and editor of Tikkun magazine; Peter Gabel, president of New College of California and associate editor of Tikkun magazine; Rosemary Radford Ruether, feminist theologian, Garrett Theological Seminary and Northwestern University; Gregory Dell, pastor of Broadway United Methodist Church; Michael Klonsky, educator, writer and school-reform activist; Cece Lobin, liaison and advocate for the women's community for the Daley administration; Dr. Midge Wilson, professor of psychology and director of women's studies, DePaul University. Open Dialogue Sessions will examine spiritual and ethical issues impacting Community and Government; Family; Gender Roles; Justice System; Workplace; Education; Health Care; Environment. Student participation is encouraged. Sunday youth program for ages 7-12; child care available.