CounterMedia News Desk: 
Reports & Articles from the Front Lines of Struggle in Chicago

PRE formatted for easier transmission ...
Articles listed by day of event or action

November 1996

24 October 1996

22 October 1996

13 September 1996 - Friday

30 August 1996 - Friday

29 August 1996 - Thursday

28 August 1996 - Wednesday

27 August 1996 - Tuesday

26 August 1996 - Monday

25 August 1996 - Sunday

24 August 1996 - Saturday

23 August 1996 - Friday

22 August 1996 - Thursday

19 August 1996
Press Release: Anti-Deportation Demonstration at DNC

17 August 1996
NOW Rally in Lincoln Park

1 August 1996
Protest Pit Lottery Attendance Low -- ML

27 July 1996
Jobs with Justice To Picket Water Tower Place

25 July 1996
Housing Activists Threaten Action at DNC : Affordable Housing Activists Say to Daley: No South Loop Housing, No Peace at Convention -- Chris Geovanis

20 July 1996
Local 1600 Settles, Convention Peace Assured : Daley Ally Brokers Agreement with Teachers Union, Edges Out Potential Picket at Democratic Convention -- Chris Geovanis

13 July 1996
African Americans Call for Demo at DNC -- Chris Geovanis

These news alerts and reports are issued by CounterMedia, a coalition of political organizations, media groups and individuals dedicated to providing alternative coverage of the Democratic National Convention and community struggle in Chicago.

1573 N. Milwaukee Ave., Box 517, Chicago, IL 60622
312-670-9673 voicemail
The Other Chicago: